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Project structure

Our project structure focuses on separating concerns where each folder and sub-folder contain files with a specific role.

The following schema explains the role of each folder and what it contain:

|── __mock__ => This folder contains files related to mock tests.
|── .husky => This folder contains all githooks we want to run with the help of husky.
|── config => In this folder, we include the configuration that our app needs,
| such as jest setup and env setup.
|── constants => In this folder, we put all constants that we need inside
| our application, like react-query-keys and accessibilityIds.
|── hooks => In this folder, we put all hooks we may be using globally
| | inside our application, for example, useIsNetworkEnabled, useApiHeaders... etc.
| |
| ├── api => In this folder, we put all hooks of our API calls.
| └── ..other hooks
|── lib => In this folder, we put the integration of other services, such as sentry,
| google analytics... etc
|── navigation => This folder includes all kinds of navigation, such as
| drawer navigation, tab navigation, and stack navigation.
|── screens
| └── screen1 => each screen contains multiple folders that contains specifically
| | the elements that belong to it.
| |
| ├── components
| ├── __tests__
| ├── hooks
| └── index.tsx
|── scripts => In this folder, we put all scripts that we need to run, for example,
| We have a script that automatically creates a new screen, `gen-screen.ts`
|── store => In this folder, we put all reducers that we need to use for redux.
|── translation => In this folder, we put all files related to translation.
|── types => This folder contains all types that we want to declare.
└── ui
├── components => Here we put all common components that are used across the application
├── fonts => Fonts for our application
├── icons => Here we put all icons
└── theme => Here we define our theme