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Generate New Screen


Let's suppose we want to create a Login screen.

  • In order to generate a new screen, you can run the following command:
 yarn gen-screen Login

Let's see what happens after we run this command.

Creation of the route name:

  • In the navigation folder, we have a file containing all route names in our application. So once the script is executed, we find there the name of the route of our new screen.

New screen generation step 1

Updating the typing:

  • Each screen has a typing for the expected parameters. The script, by default, creates the type for the newly generated screen as undefined. However, you can later edit it based on the parameters you want to pass to the screen.

New screen generation step 2

Creating the page:

  • Page creation has two files: First is src/screens/Login/index.tsx the entry file, and we consider it as a wrapper , and screen view src/screens/Login/components/LoginView/index.tsx where we start implementing our UI.

src/screens/Login/index.tsx New screen generation step 4

src/screens/Login/components/LoginView/index.tsx New screen generation step 3