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React native template by NH

React Native Template: Scalable, Fully typed, Best Practices, Easy to Maintain

Why choose our template?

Configured Documentation

RN template by NH comes with Storybook configured by default. We believe every mobile application deserves to have documentation explaining how to use its components.

Global State Management

RN template by NH uses redux for global state management, with the help of the fantastic library redux-toolkit, which makes using redux simple and easy to scale.

Server State Management

RN template by NH uses react-query to manage the server state inside your application. This library has multiple benefits, such as instant UI rendering, optimistic updates, and support for REST and GraphQL.

Configured Translation

We believe translation must be set up in every mobile application, even if we use only one language. As per our experience, moving to a secondary language will be smooth and easy if you ever change your mind.

Fully Typed

RN template by NH uses by default typescript and eslint, as we think it is a must to avoid bugs and typing errors as much as possible.

Multiple Environment Support

Every mobile application must go through multiple environments, such as production, staging, and development. That's why we explained how to set up various environments in our documentation. .

Clean Structure

RN template by NH offers a clean and organized structure to keep your project easy to maintain and scale. You can check it in our documentation.

Autogenerated Screens

To keep the project structure consistent, we decided to create a script where it generates the types for the new screen and the necessary files and folders for that specific screen. You can check how to make a new screen in our documentation.

Well Maintained

We are ensuring that all modules and third libraries in this template are updated to the latest version.